When and How to Chant the Name of Ram -
This article discusses the significance of the name of Ram, how to chant this great mantra, and where to do so.
The Name of Ram is a Great Mantra
According to Goswami Tulsidas, there is no fixed time for chanting the name of Hari. Whenever you wake up, you can start chanting "Ram." Vibhishan used to begin chanting "Ram Ram" as soon as he woke up. While performing the chant, lighting incense or a lamp is good, but it is not essential. The mantra itself is a divine light.
The essence of a mantra is defined as "Mantramat trayate iti mantra," meaning it protects the mind. The responsibility of the mantra is to safeguard your mind. If you continue to chant, there will come a time when the mantra will indeed protect your mind, and disturbances will cease. Keep the mantra at the center of your mind and vice versa; when this process occurs, the experience changes. The mantra safeguards you.
The glory of this mantra is boundless. Reading verses from the Ramcharitmanas highlights its power:
"Chanting the name brings auspiciousness in all directions." The mantra's significance is such that even if one’s heart isn’t pure, the experience may not manifest. The greatness of the name is immense, and it is said that even a greatly sinful person becomes pious through sincere devotion to "Ram."
Chanting the name of Ram leads to the acquisition of all wealth and ensures that messengers of death do not approach. Upon hearing the name, they tremble. The human body is rare, a result of many lifetimes of virtue. Seven thousand dips in the Ganges or a million dips in Pushkar cannot erase sins like the remembrance of Sri Hari can. Those who meditate on the eternal Narayan, even for a moment, achieve all their desires. When a person leaves their body while chanting "Ram," they transcend the cycle of birth and death.
Lord Shiva states that anyone who hears the Ram mantra in their right ear while passing can attain liberation.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna says that whoever departs this world remembering Him becomes one with Him. There is no doubt that the name of Ram is akin to nectar, purifying the tongue. Chanting the qualities of Sri Ram is the purest form of worship.
How and Where to Chant the Name of Ram
Preparation of the Space: The northeast corner of your home should be clean and well-ventilated, free from shoes, leftover food, or noise from TVs. Use light incense for fragrance, and sit on a yellow woolen mat.
Positioning: Your body should not touch the ground during the chant; otherwise, energy is lost to the earth. Ensure you are clean and dressed in pure clothing meant for worship. Sit facing east or north on a clean mat.
Setting Up the Altar: Keep photos of your deities and ancestors beautifully arranged, using white, red, or yellow cloth beneath them. Light a lamp with ghee and keep a vessel of pure water nearby. Maintain a pleasant aroma with incense during the chant.
Mindfulness During Chanting: Focus completely on the chant with devotion. Avoid distractions or conversations. Begin with pranayama and a mental salutation to the Sun. Decide on a daily number for chanting and stick to it consistently.
Post-Chanting: After completing the chant, sit quietly for 5-6 minutes to allow the energy to settle within you.
Simple Method for Chanting Ram’s Name: There are no rigid rules. You can chant while walking, anytime, anywhere, and under any circumstances. Chanting can be done mentally, verbally, or as a song.
When you determine to chant with love and devotion, the connection with Lord Ram strengthens, allowing you to express your deepest thoughts and seek solutions.
Three Types of Chanting:
Vachik (Audible): Pronounced clearly so others can hear.
Upanshu (Subaudible): Where lips move slightly, audible to the chanter.
Manasik (Mental): A silent chant only audible to the chanter.
Mental chanting is considered the best, promoting mental peace. Using your thumb and ring finger for the chant helps in achieving success. If the mind is restless, chant loudly; if calm, chant softly. Always chant mentally for optimal results.
Purity of mind is essential, as harboring negativity will undermine the chant's effectiveness. The name of Ram is a powerful mantra, extraordinary and immediately fruitful, requiring no elaborate rituals.
The scriptures indicate that even Lord Shiva chanted the name "Ram." Chant without doubt, and with faith, for your desires to be fulfilled.
Benefits of Chanting Ram’s Name:
The name of Ram is a great mantra with the power to liberate and transform. Regular chanting can eliminate all sorrows and fulfill desires. Though the mantra is short, its power is immense. With faith, we can protect ourselves from sudden troubles.
Final Words: If you found this article on Ram's name enlightening, please share it with your loved ones and friends.
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