Interesting Facts About Canada: Discover unique and information

Canada, the second largest country in the world, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, multicultural cities, and a reputation for being one of the friendliest and most peaceful nations globally. From the vast wilderness and majestic mountains to the vibrant urban centers and cultural diversity, Canada offers a unique blend of natural beauty and modern innovation. Known for its high standard of living and progressive social policies, Canada is a country that values education, environmental sustainability, and inclusivity.

 Canada, the second largest country in the world, is renowned for its stunning landscapes, multicultural cities, and a reputation for being one of the friendliest and most peaceful nations globally. From the vast wilderness and majestic mountains to the vibrant urban centers and cultural diversity, Canada offers a unique blend of natural beauty and modern innovation. Known for its high standard of living and progressive social policies, Canada is a country that values education, environmental sustainability, and inclusivity.

Fascinating Facts About Canada - 

  1. World’s Most Educated Country: Over half of Canada’s residents have some form of education beyond high school.
  2. Second Largest Country: After Russia, Canada is the second largest country in the world by land area.
  3. Land of Lakes: Canada is home to about 60% of the world’s lakes.
  4. Unique License Plates: Polar bear-shaped license plates are used in the Northwest Territories.
  5. Polar Bear Safety: In Churchill, Manitoba, residents leave their cars unlocked to offer an escape for pedestrians who might encounter polar bears.
  6. Playing Hockey on the Atlantic: In Newfoundland, residents sometimes play hockey on the frozen Atlantic Ocean.
  7. Longest Coastline: Canada has the world’s longest coastline.
  8. Gravity Anomaly: Large parts of Canada have less gravity than the rest of the Earth, a phenomenon discovered in 1960.
  9. Mac and Cheese Lovers: Canadians consume more boxed macaroni and cheese than any other nation.
  10. Extreme Cold: On February 3, 1947, Canada recorded its lowest temperature of -63°C (-81.4°F).
  11. Longest Street: Yonge Street in Canada is the longest street in the world, stretching 1,896 km.
  12. Mall of America: The Mall of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, USA is owned by a Canadian company.
  13. Weapons of Mass Destruction: Since 1994, Canada has not kept weapons of mass destruction and has signed treaties repudiating their possession since 1998.
  14. Peaceful Border: The US-Canada border is the longest in the world without military defense.
  15. Oil Reserves: Canada has the world’s third-largest oil reserves, after Venezuela and Saudi Arabia.
  16. Space Program Pioneer: Canada was the third country, after Russia and the USA, to develop its own space program, designing and building the Alouette-I satellite.
  17. Positive Tickets: Canadian police issue “positive tickets” to reward people for good behavior.
  18. Eiffel Tower Proposal: In 1967, there was a proposal to move the Eiffel Tower to Canada for an exhibition, but it was vetoed.
  19. Happy People: Studies show Canadians are the seventh happiest people in the world and are becoming happier.
  20. Santa’s Mail: Each year, the Canadian post office receives millions of letters addressed to Santa Claus, North Pole, Canada, H0H 0H0. Postal workers, known as “Santa’s elves,” often reply.
  21. Canada’s Name: In the Iroquoian language, “Canada” means “village.”
  22. Ontario’s Lakes: Ontario alone has 250,000 lakes, containing nearly one-fifth of the world’s fresh water.
  23. Rat-Free Alberta: Alberta has been rat-free for over 50 years.
  24. Doughnut Capital: Canada has more doughnut shops per capita than any other country.
  25. Helium Balloon Flight: In July 2015, a man in Calgary, Alberta, tied about 100 helium balloons to his garden chair and flew over the city. He was later arrested.
  26. Hawaiian Pizza Origin: The popular Hawaiian pizza was introduced by Greek-Canadian Sam Panopoulos, who added pineapple to the pizza in Canada.
  27. National Animal: The national animal of Canada is the North American Beaver.
  28. Della Falls: The highest waterfall in Canada, Della Falls, stands at 440 meters (1,444 feet) high.
  29. Hydroelectricity Leader: Canada is a world leader in hydroelectricity, using the power of water to produce electricity.
  30. Hans Island Dispute: Hans Island has been claimed by both Canada and Denmark since the 1930s. Danes leave a bottle of brandy and a note welcoming Canadians, while Canadians leave a bottle of whisky with a note saying, “Welcome to Canada.”
  31. Queen’s Portrait: Canadians can receive a free portrait of Queen Elizabeth II upon request from their government.


Canada is a country of vast landscapes, rich history, and diverse culture. From its unparalleled natural beauty and unique traditions to its impressive achievements and quirky trivia, Canada never ceases to fascinate. Whether you’re intrigued by its educational prowess, natural wonders, or friendly customs, these facts highlight what makes Canada a truly remarkable and distinctive nation. As you explore more about Canada, you’ll uncover even more reasons to appreciate and admire this incredible country.

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